ノートルダム清心中・高等学校 NDS

- NDS 一覧 -



Happy New Year!
I will introduce “Shogatu”. In Japan, we celebrate a new year. Japanese call it “Shogatu”.
Most workers can take a rest during Shogatu. On December 31, we clean up our houses, so we can welcome a new year.

And on January 1, we eat “Osechi” which is one kind of a lunch box and each food has a meaning. If we eat it, we will live safely in the new year. Children can get money from many relatives which is called “Otoshidama”, so many kids are looking forward to getting it. We send post cards to friends, relatives and acquaintances, which are called “Nengajyo”.

お年玉    年賀状
“Shogatu” is one of the most important events for Japanese. I wish you can live happily in this year!

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My favorite class is mathematics.
Recently, I have been learning about progression.
They are a little difficult for me.
But our teacher, Mr.I gives us a clear and interesting lesson and he teachers very kindly as I ask him some questions after school, so I enjoy mathematics very much.
I’ll work on studying very much.

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The Hallelujah Chorus

In our school, the third-year high school students
Sing the Hallelujah Chorus every Christmas.
Though they were busy studying for the university
entrance exams, they practiced singing hard. I want
to work hard like them.

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Sr. Kazuko Watanabe

Last winter, Sr. Kazuko Watanabe the Board Chairman of Sisters
of Notre Dame De Namur in Japan passed away. She was not only
a diligent and great sister but also a famous essayist. She wrote
17 books. Especially the book titled “Okaretabasyo de sakinasai”
which sold 2 million copies. It means “Bloom where God has planted
you”. The book encourages us and teaches us “meaningful of life”.
It is full of beautiful maxims and episodes. My favorit maxim is
“You can buy outside beauty but you can’t buy inside beauty”.
We have to raise our inside beauty all by ourselves. I want to
keep in mind to use elegant language and to be tackful. Sometimes
it can be difficult. I’ll be more careful.

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My favorite class is Japanese.
We read many Japanese text in this class.
Our teacher, Ms.N explains about many texts.
Her explanation is very interesting and easy to understand.
We take one kanji quiz a week.
So, we work on it very hard.
Thank you.

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We are the cooking club. We have an activity once a week. We mainly cook sweets and pasta. We cook many cupcakes during winter vacation in order to give them to people who come to the Christmas mass.

部活 調理部 1

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Hello! We are the drama club. The club meetings are held every Monday,
Thursday, and Saturday. I’m happy to do club activity because all the members
are on very good terms. Our main activity is to give a performance at the school
festival, and participate in a drama contest held every year. We performed
“Seven Club President”, which is a comedy, at the school festival this year.
We are practicing for the drama contest now.
Thank you for reading.


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Practice Election

We, the election administration committee, hold a mock ND mayoral election on
November 18th. The minimum age for the right to vote was lowered to 18 years
old last year, so we have to work on politics and elections seriously.
We fielded four imaginary candidates, and then, thought hard about election pledges and did a political broadcast. On the voting day, more people came to vote
than we had expected. The voting rate was 58.8%.

立候補者ポスター   模擬選挙1 模擬選挙2  模擬選挙

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Advent, when we prepare for Christmas, started on Monday in our school. A big Christmas tree was set up and students can decorate with star shaped paper, if they do good acts. Moreover, we will read the Bible, turn over dates on advent calendars, and adorn the school with handmade Christmas decoration during advent. Christmas is one of the most important events in our school. We will hold a Christmas Mass on December 15. We hope we will have a good Christmas this year.

クリスマスツリー    アドベント

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We are members of science club. We perform chemistry or physics experiments. For example,we do experiments with liquid nitrogen,about the light spectrum,and dry ice. We enjoy experiments with the members of our club. We will do the computer programming in the second trimester.

理化学部1  理化学部2 理化学部3

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