ノートルダム清心中・高等学校 NDS

- NDS 一覧 -

We are the sign language club. We are studying sign language for a licensing examination.
We have an exchange meeting with school for the deaf and we enjoy talking with the students of that school.
And four members took part in a competition. We shared what we think about peace.
We are beginners at sign language, so we study harder than before.


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My favorite class is physics. We learned Newton’s equations, the wave nature, and so on. We sometimes experiment in class, and we can understand more deeply what we learned because of the experiment. I want to know about physics in more detail. It is very interesting for me.

英語ブログ 20170929 My Favorite Class 2物理

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We are the member of the. We enjoy our club every Monday. We all like English
very much. These are pictures taken when we were speaking with the students
from Academy of Notre Dame from Boston in America in June. It was a lot of fun.

写真 ESS1 2017.10.08   写真 ESS2 2017.10.08

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We took part in Miyagi-Synthesis-Cultural festival in August. We had a good time. On November 11th, we’re going to take part in a prefecture contest, so now we are practicing hard everyday.


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Calligraphy performance

We,members of calligraphy club have a calligraphy performance in November every
Year at the festival for local residents. This festival was held at Hiroshima Sunplaza
this year. We, 13 members made one work on paper, 3 meters and 5 meters wide, in
order to tell guests our wishes. This year’s theme was “shine”. We were nervous, but
we could enjoy making the work.

書道1  書道2  書道3  書道4

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Hello! We are the tea ceremony club. We experience Japanese culture once a week. We enjoy having Japanese-style confectionery.



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Field Game

From October 25 to 26, there was a Volleyball tournament among high school students. We endured the hot weather. It was pleasant not only to play in a game,
but also to cheer everyone. High school senior students were the strongest and many of them get prizes.
We could enjoy playing volleyball because we could have a great time to try hard in each game.

FG    FG1

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I like the geography classes very much. That’s because Ms. K who teaches us geography tells about knowledge of geography with her eyes shining. So we are motivated by the class with joy.


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Study Tour 2(Okinawa)

On October 21th, we went to “Chibitiri gama”.
It is a natural cave. In WWⅡ , many Okinawan
took refuse here and died. We listened to Ms.Higa
who tells storys about war in Okinawa and bases
Okinawa has. There are many bases in Okinawa
now. A noise helicopters make annoys the population.
We thought it was serious problem.
In the afternoon, we hervested sugar canes and made
sugar. It was so delicious! On 22th we went to the
Sakima museum. We saw the picture named “picture
of Okinawa war”. It was little scary but it moved us
so much. Then, we went to “National street”. We
bought a lot of souvenirs ate local dishes. It was so
fun. Through this trip, we thought about peace and
war many times. The more we learned, the more we
loved. We want to go Okinawa again!

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Study Tour 1(Okinawa)

We, the first grade in the high schoolwent to
Okinawa from October 18th to 21th.
On the first day we flew to Okinawa and went
to Shuri Castle. Shuri Castle was built in the
old Ryukyu dynasty. It was burned doun when
the Battle of Okinawa broke out in 1945, but
now it has been reconstrucred. It was beautiful
and magnificent so we could feel the great and
long history of the old Ryukyu dynasty.
On the second day, we went to natural cave which
Was used in the war. Many people fled from the
War into the cave, and lived there. There was a lot
Of cruel mass suicide in the cave. We listened to a
Lecture about the Battle of Okinawa, and walked
in the cave. We scared when we experienced in the
darkness, silence and coldness of the air. Listening
to the lecture, we found how terrible people’s lives
were and realized the horrors of war.

沖縄2     沖縄3

Please look forward to our blog being updated.