Christmas Event
On Thursday, December 19, we celebrated Christmas Mass in the school’s Notre Dame Hall with Father Onishi celebrating. Afterwards, the 3rd year junior high school students performed a Christmas tableau and the 3rd year senior high school students performed the Hallelujah Chorus. The tableau was written a little differently than in previous years, and it was very enjoyable to see the 73rd class’ unique style. The Hallelujah Chorus was a powerful performance that showed the unity of the high school seniors. It was great to be able to celebrate Christmas with the whole school.
On Sunday, December 22, Elisabeth University of Music, Hiroshima Gakuin, and Notre Dame Seishin held a joint Christmas gathering at Elisabeth University of Music. The theme was “Let’s Keep Love Together. I was impressed by Father’s talk that what we do at Christmas is for the other person’s smile. We, the Catholic Study Group of Notre Dame Seishin Junior and Senior High School, did a Christmas tableau. We were happy to toy to convey the story of Jesus’ birth to the audience.
12 月22日日曜日、エリザベト音楽大学でエリザベト音楽大学、広島学院、ノートルダム清心の3校が合同でクリスマスの集いを開催しました。テーマは「ともに愛を届けよう」でした。神父様の「クリスマスにすることは相手の笑顔のためだ」というお話が印象に残りました。清心のカトリック研究会は、クリスマスタブローを披露しました。イエス様の誕生物語が見てくださった方たちに伝わっていれば嬉しいです。